
Some Credentials

Since 2009, Christina & Lynne commit to continuous improvement each year.  Since 2009, when they began their journey in horse-guided learning, they’ve amassed over 2,500 hours of training.

EAHAE – European Association for Horse Assisted Education:  Certified HorseDream Trainer

Lake Erie College Center for Leadership & Professional Development: Experiential Learning with Horses – Developing Human Potential for Positive Change  Level 1, 2, 3 Certification

PATH – Professional Association for Therapeutic Horsemanship International

EGE – Equine Guided Education

Gestalt Institute of Cleveland & Spirit of Leadership LLC:  Embodied Presence & Somatic Awareness

Gestalt Institute of Cleveland:  Becoming an Effective Intervener & Introduction to Gestalt Coaching  ICF

Strategic Partnerships Spirit Leadership

HorseDream License

HorsePlay HP2 Participants